
Book a school visit, site tour or virtual session to learn more about our water and sewerage services.

What do we cover?

We work with hundreds of nurseries, pre-schools, schools, colleges and universities every year to teach children and students about what we do.

We cover a range of topics, including water and sewage treatment, the water cycle, river studies, climate change and much more.

We also aim to educate future customers about how they can help protect the sewer network and the environment by saving water and flushing the correct items down the loo.

Our services

Site tours

Take a tour of one of our sites to learn about how we treat water and sewage.

School visits

We tailor our classroom sessions to the objectives of the schools we visit.

Virtual sessions

Attend a virtual education session via Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Adult learning

We work with local community groups to teach them about our services.

Education day at Ashford

Our latest education performance

  • 173

    schools visited in 2023/24

  • 14,950

    children educated in 2023/24

  • 3,678

    adults educated in 2023/24

Educational resources

Download our free educational resources which cover a range of topics and are suitable for all ages.

Adult learning

We offer local community groups the opportunity to learn about the work we do through our education service.

Education centres

Book a free visit to one of our education centres to learn how we treat and clean our water and sewage.

Schools and careers engagement

We work with local schools and groups to provide impartial advice and showcase the many career opportunities we offer.

Education drop-in days

Visit us at one of our sites to explore local wildlife, while also learning about water or sewage treatment.

Our drop-in days are suitable for all ages and free to attend with no need to book – just show up on the day!

Education advisers on an education event

Meet our Education Advisers

Our team of Education Advisers work with schools and groups across the region.

Schools and careers engagement

We work with schools, colleges and universities to make children and students aware of the career opportunities at Wessex Water.