Fishing booking information

Find out how to book a fishing ticket and discover what you should do if you need to change or cancel your booking.

Before booking

Before you book a fishing ticket, we recommend reading our safety information and code of conduct and our site rules.

We also strongly recommend checking our most recent catch report to better understand stock levels and fishing conditions.

How to book

We ask everyone who can book online to do so. This is a simpler, more secure process and means that our Rangers can spend more time providing face-to-face customer service and caring for our sites.



The best way to book is through our online booking system.

You can only book a ticket up to 14 days in advance of your visit. If you try to book a visit that is more than 14 days away, you will not be able to place a booking.

You can create an account which allows you to manage your bookings up to 48 hours before they start.

Payment will be taken securely at the time of booking, and you will receive a confirmation email.

Please ensure that your personal information is correct so that we have the correct details to contact you if necessary.


Book tickets online


In person

Our team of Rangers can also take bookings in person at their lodges.

As our lodges are not always manned, the best time to do this is between 8am and 9am.

If you need to place a booking in person, outside of these times, please arrange a mutually convenient time to meet a Ranger in advance (please see our contact details below).

Over the phone

We understand that not everyone uses a computer, so our team of Rangers can also take bookings over the phone. A card payment will be required at the time of booking.

As our lodges are not always manned, the best time to call is around 9am. If you cannot get through, please leave a message with your name and number and we will call you back.

Please note: a booking is not confirmed until payment is made.



Phone number







Sutton Bingham and West Pond


Tucking Mill


Further help and guidance